Custard Apple
EP 176
AIR 140
SIZES (gr.)
Spanish Custard Apple
Custard apple is a tropical fruit, specifically comes from the high altitudes of the Andes, and has a sweet and creamy pulp. It is an oval fruit (about 10 cm diameter and up to 15 long), with scaly dark green skin and weighs between 350-500g. Inside lie the seeds embedded in the pulp, glossy black. Both the skin and the seeds are inedible, but the rest can be eaten in salads, mixed with yogurt or oatmeal … Or simply splitting it in half and eating it with a spoon.
It is a fruit rich in fibre and taste very sweet also, 100g pulp just provide 75 kcal, no saturated fat or cholesterol. Custard apple contains several polyphenolic antioxidants which, among other effects, have anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties. These compounds also control free radicals that can cause oxidative stress, so that prevent many diseases, maintain healthy vision and reduce cellular aging.
It is also rich in vitamins, especially vitamin c (also a potent antioxidant and immune system enhancer) and vitamin b6, contributing 20% of the recommended daily allowance with only 100g of fresh fruit. This vitamin is essential for synthesizing serotonin and dopamine, which improves your mood, helps relieve stress and headache. As minerals, it provides a good amount of potassium and magnesium, which help prevent high blood pressure.
- The custard apple is a tropical fruit rich in antioxidant compounds.
- It is an important source of vitamin c and b6, as well as potassium and magnesium.
- Has anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties.