Sweet Peppers
EP 88
AIR 70
Import Sweet Peppers (Sweet Palermo) from Spain
Sweet Palermo Peppers are grown especially for their subtle sweetness, leaving a delicate flavor in recipes and being highly valued at the markets.
Sweet Peppers are long-shaped with a thick fleshy texture. Spicy level is minimal, so it is considered vegetable rather than as a spice.
Due to the long ripening process, the flavour of Sweet Palermo develops more slowly than other peppers and is therefore more intense. Furthermore, this sweet pepper has a longer shelf life thanks to its unique long shape.
Red Premium Sweet Palermo is available in Spain, so you can import it to your country. For Mayorazgo, the focus is on three aspects:
- Color
- Shape
- Size
- Grade
- Maturity
- Versatility
- Convenience
This type of pepper when immature come as pods in green, as it matures acquires its genetic colour that can be red, yellow, green, orange and even chocolate.
Mayorazgo exports only red sweet peppers, because this color offers the best results in quality and profitability to our clients around the world.
The great benefits of peppers are reflected in its impressive list of nutrients, in its numerous properties to prevent disease and its suitability for use in diets as they have very little fat and calories.
They are a rich source of vitamin c; regular consumption helps the body among other things to increase immunity against infectious agents. Vitamin a is another of its components that protect the body from free radicals that are generated during periods of stress or illness.
Essential minerals are also present in the pepper: iron, copper, zinc, potassium, manganese, magnesium and selenium, important antioxidants. The pepper also provides vitamin b, b-1 and b-6, the body needs these external vitamins to replenish them
- Premium red color Sweet Palermo Peppers
- Long shape
- Availability from November to April
- Optimal pepper, bright, strong and heavy
- Meet your country import requirements relating to grade, size, quality, and maturity