Organic Courgette
EP 120
AIR 100
SIZES (gr.)
140-210 mm.
210-280 mm.
Spanish Courgette
Zucchini, also known as courgette, has an elongated, cylindrical body and usually dark green skin. The interior is of a very pale greenish white and its flavour is very mild, almost sweet.
Although they are composed primarily of water, around 95% they are also a source of minerals (calcium, iron, potassium … Among others), and vitamins (vitamins a, b and c) despite the low calorie they provide. They also contain lots of fibre, although it accumulates more in the skin than the flesh of the vegetable.
They have purifying properties, mainly due to the antioxidants and potassium they contain. Antioxidants slow cellular aging and scavenge free radicals, which cause various diseases. It also has significant amounts of folic acid, an essential acid for the proper development of the foetus in the first trimester.
Fibre from the skin helps cardiovascular health by reducing bad cholesterol. It also gives feeling of satiety, so it helps in weight control diets, and slows digestion, which stabilizes blood sugar and insulin levels. It is also very good for the digestive system, has laxative properties and improves inflammation vitamins a and c.
To exploit to the maximum all its properties, it is best eaten raw. However, it can also be served baked, grilled, stuffed and oven cooked…
- Recommended in weight loss diets because they are high in water and low in calories.
- Important source of fibre, which helps intestinal transit and gives feeling of satiety.
- It contains many vitamins and minerals: folic acid, vitamins a, b and c, potassium ...